Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kickimus Maximus Buttimus!

Speaking of buttimus's, I probably receive more phone calls than the average person. When your name is Aaron and you're at the top of the contact list, this tends to happen. Late night calls are a frequent occurrence. I'm sure booty calls are nice and all, but these aren't the kind of booty calls you want to be getting!

At work I've been learning about the construction of surveys and setting up servers to host surveys using my company's software. It's very detailed, so this will be a work-in-progress for some time. Since I've started, I've mainly read tutorials about processes and capabilities of the software. I learn my best by experience so I created dozens of programs. Below is a link to the most basic survey I could set up and host. Hopefully I can add some more intricate surveys later on. If you take this you should comment a while from now and let me know if I should post another.


Also at work, I learned this is what happens to you at a software company if you go on vacation. This is what programmers do at 7:45 in the morning.

Mom, you're not the only one that's crazy when it comes to hearing a joke.