Monday, December 31, 2012

All my aliases

I've been told that I look or act like a few famous people/movie characters and I decided to compile them into one.
1 - Wart (Sword in the Stone)

2 - Peter Pan

Peter Pan
3 - Andrew Garfield (Peter Parker The Amazing Spider-Man)

Andrew Garfield
4 - Kirby Heyborne

Kirby Heyborne
5 -  Nick Jonas (Jonas Brothers)
Nick Jonas
 6 - Aaron Tveit (Enjolras Les Misérables)
Aaron Tveit
7 - Merlin (Colin Morgan - British TV Show) "I would be the American version"

8 - Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)

Here is my brother, Art Garfunkel. I had to since I have been told I look like a 'Garfield'

"I got an 84%. (lightbulb over head) THAT MEANS I ONLY MISSED 8!!"  - Derek (same brother) after just barely coming out of a 100 question marketing final. Good thing it wasn't a math exam!
Speaking of marketing. This is some great advertising!!
 and look at all these benefit! (NO S. only one, and they're just minimizing their losses)
"Shut up you stupid smart phone" - Uncle Randy

Braille at the drive-up ATM. What will they think of next?

Since when do stairs get their own room number???

Hulk Smash

Zombie Kid Cake


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Swimming in the Sky

Finally I am able to post this video and pictures. For his 30th birthday, Junior decided to fall thousands of feet out of a plane. I'm glad I jumped with a kid my age and not some hairy old man. He agreed to do a backflip out of the plane with me! 

Very sorry this is so choppy! The video portion of my camera is not very videoy.

Then there's the serious stuff from this last month
Like the time when my brother bought 2 1/2 lbs originally $4.50 on Sale for $7.50

The same brother: "That sounds like it's coming from his... what do you call it? Asparagus?" (esophagus) 

"I always try to sing that song but I never know the words."
"Did one of you let one go or is that just my breath?" (just woke up on a car ride and we were driving by a farm)

Junior practicing being an in-jail model

Overstuffed Asian Teddy Bear


Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tough Mudder

Tomorrow I think I'll sleep in until 4:00 a.m., take a nice relaxing shower in 34 degree water, and maybe a little 11.5 mile jog to wake me up with obstacles for a fun Saturday activity.
Tough Mudder. Bring it on.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


The date today is 10.11.12 and it is Stacey Johnson's briffday.
Happily briffday, Stacey Johnson!

Explanation: She's insane.
Some say a picture is worth a thousand words. This one is just worth one, a word starting in "Y" and ending in "ikes!!"
In honor of people born on October 11f, I will post meaningless images.
This is how I looked most days on campus this week

This is how I felt I looked

Runs in my blood!!

Way back! Who doesn't like fishing!?