Tuesday, July 3, 2012

An attempt at being brief.

When I get to typing, I never stop, so this post is intended to fit lots into little.

Tomorrow (July 4th) I will be running in my second race, so I ought to tell you about my first race a few weeks ago. I ran a 5k with my great uncle and a few cousins. Wayne, my great uncle, is unbelievable. He's 73 41 and convinced me to start running in races with him. He plans on hiking Timp one last time the end of this summer. Despite taking a racquetball class and lifting six days a week, he still manages to go 1-for-1 in racquetball games against me!

Sometimes we come across basketball courts on the mountainside
Before (sleep walking)

For the record, the timer in the background is when the 10k began
"Zazoosh" is the sound I made as I crossed the finish line
My cousin, Jon, taking on Igor down to the bitter end
Wayne was first in his division and metaled. I came in fourth in my age group. I thought I was running slow, but didn't know so I didn't know how hard to push. I finished with a 7:01 min/mile thinking I would be around 9:00. Tomorrow I get to run my first 10k and get to do the same, but this time I'll push harder!

Junior (whom has been hitting the gym with me six days a week) and I were privileged enough to attend the graduation for our friend, Marissa England, who has since received her results of a passing grade on her NCLEX!!!!

Intellagenter already

 Had to drive approx 4 mph the entire way up. There wasn't enough room on the first 50 floors to get out, so we had to go to the top. The entire way up we were about 3" from the ceiling and didn't want to get stuck. We may or may not have had to hit the gas as to avoid getting stuck on a pipeline running across the ceiling at the entrance. Also, right before we turned into the parking lot we were stopped at a stop light. Junior looked to his left and jumped in surprise. He started yelling out the window because his aunt and uncle were sitting in the car stopped next to us! small world.

Fancy Building
Good morning work. A daily occurrence when works starts at 5:00!
Junior's apt

These are the carrots you buy around Easter time

A friend Wayne and I met

Another new friend I found sneaking around my house

Chris told me my sister looked like uhhh... Taylor Swift? in this picture

Yes, we're related

 Few(er) words, more photos. Semi- accomplished

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