Friday, April 20, 2012

Adult Playground

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning this semester I got to play around in this jungle gym. Please note that I couldn't do a cartwheel prior to this class (and probably still can't very well). So if this looks easy to you, it's not, or at least was quite an achievement for me.
When my mom came to visit she was sweet enough to capture some fun on the camera.
After landing on my head roughly (haha) 90 times attempting backflips on a normal trampoline, I did one in here!
Once I did that, Don (assistant to the teacher) told me to do a double backflip!
Then I had to try a little less-coordinated double frontflip
This next one is called a "kip." There are many forms of it. This one being the most basic, but difficult for most people the first time. It took me four class periods to get it.

We even took some photos of Greg P-Barring

and... the man of the hour, 79 Year Old Don! Still doing flips, spinning around bars, and showing up us beginners!

Not my proudest moment by any means, but my mom was here so I figured I would ask coach to spot me until I got this down again. Funny that she got it on camera. Sometimes you knee yourself in the hand while doing wall flips.

Sometimes this turns into a third degree sprain in your finger.
 ...and sometimes three weeks later you can still do this
(The ligaments on the right side of my finger are torn)
Notice I took this with my teeth, since I don't have three hands.
Courtesy of the Weight Room
Done with exams! Four exams, the shortest was 3 hours. So hard. Large curves expected.


  1. hahaha that picture at the end is perfect. And I am so proud/jealous that you did a double back/front flip! I have never done it...or if i did when I was 9 I don't remember. So cool!

  2. GREAT post, Aaron. "That's MY SON!" !Successful semester!
    hugs, Mom
