Sunday, April 1, 2012

Visit From the Sweetie

My Mom is darling. She is _ _ years old (more than 38) but she looks 38. She's uber sweet.
She came to visit her father, sister, and nieces for ten days and stopped by to say hello!
I told her she had to come before 1:00 because that's when I was shortening my hair, so she showed up around 12:00 and talked for 30 minutes before taking off for a trimming. She likes long hair so I liked having her around for emotional support!
After going to a few classes together so we could lurn, she watched us lose horribly in soccer, then we had dinner and played Settlers! On Saturday we went and volunteered at Hoofbeats to Healing. My cousin Maren is on the board and plays a big role in the organization, so we were able to visit her too. My mom hadn't seen her in years. We had a great time!
 Afterward we visited family in Centerville, Bountiful, and Logan.
This was my first time in Logan. It was beautiful! We went to Bear Lake for some pictures and a good view.

On Tuesday my Mom came down again to see my gymnastics class. She took many photos and videos and played around on the trampoline. She's crazy! 
...and then she was gone. Thanks for visiting!!

Side note: Jackie visited this weekend! It was so nice to spend the day with her and meet her friend Tyler! 

As I was writing this I received an email from my Mom saying "we woke up to 8 inches of snow." I love snow so I replied "Really? Send pictures!!!" "Aha, April Fools! It's 40-50 degrees here and green grass." She got me! Youuuu sneeeeeaky Mom!
A few years ago my Dad won a plasma TV at a work lay-off party (to ease the pain?) They sent an email and told us they won it and would be giving it away because we don't have room for it, the typical answer we would expect. We were disappointed, because our old one was large and well, old. Turns out they were just kidding and informed my brothers it was a joke. I came home Christmas to find the TV in the living room. They thought they had told me it was a joke, but they hadn't. That was a pleasant surprise = ) I'm usually not this gullible...


  1. You must be getting old, that is why you're getting gullible. Oldie.

  2. 4/11/12--just checked in to your blogspot. Fun posting of my visit!! Love my Aaron-buddy! Mom
